The day started out looking like it was going to be a good one and we weren't disappointed. Three riders met at Frisch's for breakfast. Don Cronan, Preble Co's first officer, joined us to socialize, but couldn't stay for the ride. A fourth rider arrived just before kick stands up.
Promply at 1000, five bikes rolled out, with Don escorting us for as long as he could before
turning off for home. The remaining four bikes made our way to the first covered bridge,
Black Covered Bridge, on the north side of Oxford. There we picked up four more bikes.
After checking out Black for a bit, our next stop was the Hueston Woods Covered Bridge. This is a new addition to my covered bridge ride since it's a relatively new bridge. The cool thing about this one is that, while it's a recently built bridge, it was built using the design of the last century bridges we all love. Here, I set up my camera and everyone took a run through the bridge so I could capture an image. Check those out in the gallery below.
Next, it was on to a drive through of Harshman Covered Bridge before stopping at Steiners to grab deli sandwhiches and other tasty goods for lunch. Unfortunately an ill timed cell phone failure and a less that perfect memory of the route prevented passing through Harshman. Worse, while my sense of direction was good, unfortunate road closures made this leg a bit of a pain. We eventually prevailed though and made it to Steiners.
Following provisioning at Steiners, we passed through Christman covered bridge followed by
Geeting Covered Bridge and Wernike Covered Bridge before stopping in Lewisburg's town park to have lunch in the
Dixon Branch Covered Bridge which was restored and relocated here some years ago.
After a tasty lunch, we were off again, this time back across the county to Roberts Covered Bridge in Eaton. After some time spent there we headed towards Germantown, passing the Jasper Rd Covered Bridge and then stopping at the Germantown Covered Bridge to check out this reportedly unique bridge. All in all, a fantastic ride! I planned for 10 Bridges. We actually made 9 of them. Unfortunately, we skipped Brubaker due to the damage from the moron that tried to drive a semi through it, or it would have been 11 bridges.
If you're a map geek like me, you may be interested to know that these days, I'm planning my rides with
Rever. Check it out. If you do, be sure to
check out my profile and add me as a friend.
If you're interested in riding this ride yourself and following my route, you can actually download the GPX to add to your GPS, or if you're a Rever member, follow the routes on there. I've also included a version of Leg 6 which includes Brubaker for after it's repaird. Here's the links to the various legs of the ride:
CBR L1 - Frisch's Franklin to Black Covered Bridge
CBR L2 - Black CB to Hueston Woods CB
CBR L3 - Hueston Woods CB to Steiners
CBR L4 - Steiners to Dixon Branch CB (Lunch)
CBR L5 - Dixon Branch CB to Roberts CB
CBR L6 - Roberts CB to Germantown CB (skips Brubaker)
CBR L6A - Roberts CB, Brubaker then Germantown CB (after Brubaker is repaired)
CBR L7 - Germantown CB to Frisch's Franklin
Gallery: Covered Bridge Ride 20230429
Images from the SCRC Covered Bridge Ride - April 29, 2023